Thursday, March 6, 2014

Enable or Disable DHCP in AN1020-25

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

When a DHCP-configured client connects to a network, the DHCP client sends a broadcast query requesting necessary information from a DHCP server. The DHCP server manages a pool of IP addresses and information about client configuration parameters such as default gateway, the DNS servers, other servers such as time servers etc. On receiving a valid request, the server assigns an IP address, a lease (length of time the allocation is valid), and other IP configuration parameters, such as the subnet mask and the default gateway.
Depending on implementation, the DHCP server may have three methods of allocating IP-addresses.

Dynamic allocation: A network administrator assigns a range of IP addresses to DHCP, and each client computer on the LAN has requested an IP address from the DHCP server during network initialization. The request-and-grant process uses a lease concept with a controllable time period, allowing the DHCP server to reclaim (and then reallocate) IP addresses that are not renewed (dynamic re-use of IP addresses).

Automatic allocation: The DHCP server permanently assigns a free IP address to a requesting client from the range defined by the administrator. This is like dynamic allocation, but the DHCP server keeps a table of past IP address assignments, so that it can preferentially assign to a client the same IP address that the client previously had.

Static allocation: The DHCP server allocates an IP address based on a table with MAC address/IP address pairs, which are manually filled by a network administrator. Only requesting clients with a MAC address listed in this table will be allocated an IP address. This feature is not supported by all routers.

Enable or Disable DHCP in AN1020-25

Click on "Advanced Setup" then click on "LAN"
Click on "enable DHCP Server" Radio button to enable DHCP Server.
By clicking on "Enable LAN side firewall" check box the firewall will be enable for LAN users.
If you want to access the router with any other IP address then click on "Configure the second IP address and Subnet Mask for LAN Interface" option check box then enter an IP address and subnet Mask then click on Apply/Save button. Now router can be access with both addresses.

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